Sunday 5 June 2016




Beypore - one of the famous ports in kerala is situated in Calicut . Decided to explore this port town on lazy sunday evening , but found out that there is a more scenic picnic spot nearby pulimutt.


As expected our first target was to visit the port . A 10 km drive westwards from the Calicut Town . A normal entrance fee has to be paid at the gate . The security told us to get permission from the staff of the ship anchored there , if we want to have a look  inside the ships .


The port seems to be very lengthy . There were not many ships . Almost all of them were medium sized ones .





On enquiry found out that people from the opposite coast ( a place called Chaliyam) has to travel hardly 200metres to reach beypore port in this ferry , which by road would require a travel of about 30 kilometres .


A bridge cannot be constructed here, since it would hamper the movement of ships through this channel .



The light house at chaliyam was visible from here . We did not feel like visiting the inside of the ships anchored there hence came out of the beypore port .



There is a ship breaking unit nearby . Visitors are allowed inside this unit also , where old ships are broken and reusable parts are extracted . Since it was nearing sunset we decided to spend time constructively rather than watching something destructive . From here we went to visit a near by sea bridge . The place was called pulimutt. Hardly 1 km away from beypore .


We parked our vehicle nearby the sea . From here itself we could see the very lengthy bridge over the sea . The place was heavy crowded but it had a special beauty , aided by the ambience of the setting sun .


                                                                                                facilities : Boating , Seafoods

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